


Campus Life and Living in Kanazawa

Housing (Private Apartment)

Contracts for Private Apartments

Apartment information

 Rent varies according to the type of rooms (by size, location etc.) and the approximate total living cost is around 80,000 yen to 100,000 yen per month. Please ensure you know how you will cover your living costs financially before coming to Kanazawa.

Example of a cost breakdown per month

Housing expenses (rent) 30,000 yen to 50,000 yen
Utility expenses (electricity, water, gas) Approximately 13,000 yen (depending on the season)
Food expenses 30,000 yen +
Insurance and miscellaneous expenses 10,000 yen + (depending on the person)

There are some real estate agencies that can provide property information in English or Chinese near the University. For more information, please consult the following directly.

Noka Real Estate Morinosato store (English, Chinese, Malay, Indonesian)

URL: (English/Chinese)

URL: (Japanese)


Urban Home Morinosato store (English/Chinese)



Contracts for Private Apartments

Students who wish to rent a private apartment should first read the "Guidebook for Tenants" published by the National Federation of Real Estate Transaction Associations. Detailed information on everything from finding a property to signing a contract to moving out is provided in multiple languages.

*Comprehensive renter's insurance for international students (Kanazawa University Guarantor System) listed on page 6 will no longer be available after November 2023. Please use a private guarantee system specified by a real estate broker.

About joint guarantor/guarantee system

In Japan, when signing a contract for a private apartment, it is common to have a family member act as a joint guarantor. Since it is difficult for international students to find a guarantor, they can sign an apartment contract by using the following guarantor system instead.

Guarantee system ① Use a private guarantee system designated by a real estate broker.

Kanazawa University strongly recommends ①, which provides greater compensation.

Guarantee system ② Use the institutional guarantee system with Kanazawa University as the joint guarantor

Regarding ②, we will, in principle, cease handling it after November 2023. As a transitional measure, if you have continued to use the institutional guarantee system as of the end of October 2023 and continue to live in your current building, we will accept renewal of your institutional guarantee.
Regarding ②, if there are people living with you who are not family members, both the main contractor and the person living with you will need to subscribe to the set of "Kanazawa University Institutional Guarantee'' + "Comprehensive renter's insurance for international students.'' Please go to your student affairs section, pay the Comprehensive renter's insurance amount, and complete the procedures.

Even if ② is available, from the perspective of avoiding compensation risks, we recommend using ① a guarantee system handled by a real estate broker. Please ask your real estate agent when signing a contract.

Students staying in a homestay do not need a guarantor, but they must purchase different types of housing insurance (fire mutual aid and student liability insurance) at the Kanazawa University Co-op. Please go directly to the co-op and apply.