


Campus Life and Living in Kanazawa

Work and Part-time Jobs

Income Tax Exemptions and Part-Time Job Information

Income Tax Exemptions

Students from certain countries may receive income tax exemptions based on tax conventions. Sometimes this system is income-tested or based on a limited duration of stay in Japan, and archived requirements of income tax exemptions vary by country.

Initially, please refer to the following website (Japanese only) and consult the tax office to determine if your nationality and month salary will allow you to be exempt or not. If you are eligible to apply, you will need to prepare a Certificate of Enrollment and copies of your passport and Residence Card, then submit them to the tax office through the company you work at part-time. Applications cannot be accepted directly from you at the tax office. For details, please ask the Kanazawa Tax Office.

Kanazawa Tax Office, Kanazawa Station West Joint Government Building

Phone: 076-261-3221 (Auto answer : Select 2, JP only)


Part-time Job Information

Kanazawa University provides part-time job information for KU students. This information can be obtained at the Co-op shop entrance or the Co-op shop BBS.

Kanazawa University Co-op “Shigotoba”