


Campus Life and Living in Kanazawa


Hospitals and Clinics

If you feel sick and the Health Service Centers on Campus are off duty, please go to a hospital or clinic. In the past, there has been a case where a student suffered from serious pneumonia because he did not go to a hospital or see a doctor. If you cannot get to a hospital by yourself or cannot explain your condition in Japanese, please ask your friends or your Academic Advisor to take you.

Business hours vary according to the hospital. Please phone and check beforehand. Also, if you go to what is termed a "general hospital" (sōgō byōin), you will need a "Hospital Referral Letter," issued by the Kanazawa University Health Service Center or a local medical clinic. If you do not bring a referral letter, you will need to pay the "Specified Medical Care Coverage" charge (approx. 7,000 yen), except if ambulance took you to the general hospital.

Please remember to take your National Health Insurance Card with you when you visit a hospital and show it at the reception desk. In case of emergency, you may present your insurance card within the next day or so. If you visit a hospital or are hospitalized, be sure to inform your Academic Advisor and your student affairs section as soon as possible.

You can obtain medicine for colds, indigestion, pains, compresses, etc. at pharmacies in town (drugstores) without a doctor’s prescription.