


Campus Life and Living in Kanazawa

Points to Note When You Graduate, Complete Your Course, or Withdraw from University

Changing status of residence for a person who continues to seek a job after graduation or completion

If you continue job hunting after graduation or completion

 If an international student who has graduated from a university as a degree student wishes to stay in Japan for ongoing job-hunting even after graduation,
he/she can apply to change their residence status to "Designated Activities" (with a period of stay of 6 months)

if they can get a recommendation from their University. However this is not applicable for Non-Degree Students.

If desired, you can apply for an extension of period of stay for only one additional 6 months, allowing a maximum stay of 1 year after graduation.

<Important Reminder>

  • Non-Degree students (such as Auditors, Special Auditors, Research Students, etc.) cannot apply for this status of residence.
  • If you withdraw or drop out from Kanazawa University, you are not allowed to change your status to this type.
  • When you need the university to issue a Recommendation for Designated Activities, you need to apply to your student affairs section while enrolled in University. The application needs to be signed by your Academic Advisor. In principle, you can not apply this recommendation after graduation or completion.

Necessary Documents for the "Designated Activities"

  1. Application for Change of Status of Residence

    Form available at the immigration office or Ministry of Justice website.

    Use the "17 上記以外の在留資格・入国目的” form.

  2. Documents showing you are actively engaged in job-seeking.

    (Records and documents need to be detailed of your job-seeking, such as official letters from companies about interview schedules, selection results, copies
    of e-mails about applying at job fairs, documents/material from companies at job fairs, etc.)

  3. Graduation Certificate from Kanazawa University

    (Please confirm with your student affairs section.)

  4. Recommendation Letter from Kanazawa University

    (You need to apply to your student affairs section. The Letter will take up to 2 weeks to be issued.

  5. Financial Statement showing you can provide for yourself through your stay

    (Copy of bank statement. Savings should be more than 500,000 yen(6 months)or 1,000,000 yen(1 year)to stay in Kanazawa.)

  6. Passport, residence card, ID photo

  7. Fee

    4,000 yen

  8. Others

    • *In some circumstances, the applicant may be asked to submit additional documents.
    • *Japanese or English translations must be attached if any of the documents are written in other languages.

When you get an official job offer

When you get an official job offer in Japan, you will need to change your Residency Status from "Student" to the appropriate type for your work. If you graduate in March and start to work in April with an official job offer, in principle, you can start to apply for changing your Residency Status from around December of the previous year. The screening procedure normally takes up to 3 months, so you need to prepare ahead of time.

 The type of Residency Status varies by each specialized category. The documents needed to apply also differ according to the type of Residency Status.
Therefore, please consult the company where you will work. Please check the information at the Ministry of Justice website and then, if you have any questions
about procedures, you will need to contact the immigration office directly.

When you will not start working at a company right away

 International Students who get a job offer from next fiscal year after completing their study at the end of September or are seeking a job with a Residency Status of "Designated Activities" and have found a job but will not start working right away will need to change their Residency Status to "Designated Activities (for those with a job offer)."